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We are NOT a medical clinic. We provide you with direct access to medical staff to write your VA Medical Nexus.  We are Not Attorneys and we don't process or assist in VA Claims.   What we do provide is the medical LINK to service connect your disability with the use of Medical Nexus, DBQs and Independent Medical Opinions.  

    Medical Nexus Direct does not accept health insurance plans as we are not a medical clinic and do not provide medical services. However, we can provide you with information about health insurance plans that you may be eligible for as a veteran.

The average Medical Nexus is $500 to $1000+ dollars. However, since we only charge your the hourly rate of a standary Jurse Practioner or Physicians Assistant and a small service fee to keep our website and office oppertational.  Our goal is to keep your Nexus, DBQ and IMO down to the lowest cost while maintaining the highest quality possible. 

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